Astro, an AI based email prioritisation app roll out support for Slack and Amazon Alexa Astro, recently launched an upgraded version of its previous app which went by the same name. Unlike its predecessor which remained constricted to emails, it has now come up with a much-upgraded version where it will now integrate with Slack, a chat application for the workplace, and Amazon Alexa, the smarthome hub and wireless speaker. Astro, an email app, works on Android and iOS. Its first version was released in March, earlier this year. It can be configured to work with Gmail or Office 360. This app, essentially, helps in the prioritisation of emails. This app captures insights on the user’s experience. Once through with it, it prioritises the emails which are necessary and emails which need a reminder. It helps in keeping redundant ones like spams or chain email at bay, on its own. In a way, it basically avoids flooding the mailbox with mail, where it has a priority mailbox and the ...